African Swine Fever 

Prevention and Early Detection

The APDHA is working with the Queensland Government to involve hunters in planning for the potential incursion of African Swine Fever (ASF) into the Australian natural and agricultural environment. 

Hunters are likely to be the first people to encounter ASF in the feral pig population and have a major role to play in the management of this very serious disease.

The disease has the potential to destroy the Australian commercial pork industry, shut off incomes to thousands of regional Australian families and shut down pig hunting.

The disease is not in Australia but is on our doorstep and hunters could help spot it, contain and eliminate it if it crosses our borders.

You can now undertake a free certified eLearning course in African Swine Fever prevention and early detection to be part of the nation's biosecurity team.

Read more below.

Or click on this link to start your course:

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